Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A little bit more about me and my blog :)

So, like I said before, I started this blog mainly so I can do giveaways for Munchkins N More without having to deal with Facebook. Having said this, I don't plan on everything in this blog being about Munchkins N More. I am hoping to use this blog to write about my kids, my family, and just things that happen in our lives. I like to think I'm funny, but I don't know how funny my posts will be. I promise to try my best to keep you guys laughing and keep you interested without you saying, "ugh, her again?!?!?"
One thing I can promise you I will be talking about is COUPONS! I don't know if I'm quite one of the crazy coupon ladies on the new TLC shows. I know my stockpile is NOT NEARLY what theirs are, but I do have an overabundance Tide laundry detergent, and 80 rolls of toilet paper! I also know that I have just recently upgraded my 2" zippered binder with 25 card sleeves in it to a 3" zippered binder with 50 card sleeves in it. I don't know if I really want to admit it or not, but when I weighed my binder earlier this morning, complete with the weekly flyers in it, it weighed slightly more than my daughter did when she was born! I'll take a picture of it one day and show you. I'm actually quite proud of it and get quite a few compliments on it when I take it shopping! Unfortunately, I can't fit both my binder and my kids in the top of the buggy, which to me logically means that Mommy gets to go grocery shopping without the munchkins most of the time!
I did take a course to learn the basics of couponing in Canada. I'll tell you more about it another day. There's also a course from the same woman about couponing in the US, and being so close to the border, I think I'll probably take that course eventually too, and be an "international couponer"! Won't my family be proud! My 10 year reunion is next year. Maybe this is just what I need to finally break my way into the "in group"! ;-)