Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another small extreme shopping trip and PG samples

Here's the results of a small trip I made with Tracey and Talon on Monday. The Cascade was not as good of a deal as I would have liked, but I had a couple BOGO coupons that expired this weekend and needed to use them up :)

The Breakdown:

Enfapro A+ - $28.99
PM to Zellers @ $23.99
use save $12 (mail out from manufacturer)
use save $5 (mail out)
Total - $6.99

Old Spice Body Wash - 2 @ $3.99
use save $3 WYB 2 (insert)
use 2x save $1 (insert)
use 2x save $1 (tear pad)
use save $1 (RCSS tear pad)
Total - FREE

Cascade Action Pac 15s - 4 @ 5.99
use 2x BOGO
use 2x save $1.50 (insert)
use 2x save $.50 (insert)
use 2x save $.50 (mail out)
Total - $1.75 each

Cover Girl Eye Shadow and Mascara - 13.98
use save $3 WYB 2 (insert)
use save $3 WYB 2 (mail out)
use 2x save $1 (insert)
use save $1 (mail out)
Total - 4.98 for both

Dove soap - $4.49 and 2x Dove Baby soap @ 2.69 - 9.87
PM Dove soap to SDM @ $3.49
use save $4 WYB 3
Total - $1.62 each

Chocolate Bars - 6 @ $1.08
use 3 BOGO
Total - $.54 each

Head and Shoulders w/ bonus razor - $3.99
use save $1
Total - $2.99

Tax - $7.73 Balance w/o tax - $29.25

Total Paid - $36.98
Coupon savings of $59.20! (Like last time, this savings doesn't reflect the value of the free razor which I estimate to be approx. $10, or the savings based on regular prices of sale items)

Savings percentage of 61.5%

Not my best savings, but like I said, I had coupons that were expiring and needed to be used :)

Also, when I went to the mailbox today, I found a $5 manufacturers coupon from Nestle Baby, coupons, and my P&G Brandsampler package! Here is a picture of the samples I got

This was all free, and inside the products was $11.75 in coupons too, ALL STACKABLE!!!!

What a profitable morning :)